Thai Government Lottery Results Complete Chart 16th August 2023
Thailand’s Government Lottery Office (GLO) is responsible for administering the official national lottery, which is popular in Thailand, Saudi Arabia, India, Kuwait, and Pakistan.
Thai Lottery results will be announced on August 16, 2023, at 12:15 PM, in Saudi Arabia’s National Time Zone. The popular National Lottery, administered by the Government Lottery Office, is drawn on the 1st and 16th of each month, allowing only two forms of gambling in Thailand.
The GLO pocketed 28% of lottery profits for state use. Around 19.2 of 67 million Thai people regularly played the lottery, spending 76 billion baht (US$2.3 billion) on it each month. The Thai Lottery is drawn on the first and sixteenth of each month. The government permits only two forms of legalized gambling in Thailand.